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Guild Committee Members

Please see the following Google Document for the current committee members: 2023-2024 Guild Committees

Guild Committee Descriptions

Auditing books consist of review of the Guild Treasurer’s books. This is done once a year after election of new office bearers double checking all entries and making sure there are no discrepancies with the bank statements and reports throughout the year. 

The tournament is typically scheduled late March or early April. First you pick out a date, the committee is in charge of getting the flyers/registrations out. Then you wait for the registrations to come in and answer any questions that they may have. Once you get the registrations, you can put brackets together and get them emailed out to the teams. We also get prizes for the first-place teams in each division. The day of the event the committee is busy getting all the teams registered and making sure the courts stay on track. It’s a fun day of basketball! 

The committee is responsible for planning, buying, and asking for work and food donations for the tournament concession stand. The concessions include breakfast, lunch, and snacks or supper and snacks depending if it is held on a Saturday morning or Friday evening. The Committee is also present the whole time and responsible for cleaning up at the end of the tournament. 

The committee tracks the inventory of these items and orders more as necessary. Cards, cookbooks, and dishcloths are kept in the office and can be purchased there. The committee will decide when to run an Usborne card sale. They also decide when to advertise these items and when to run promotional sales.

This committee organizes a picnic to be held the last week of school or the students and supporters. They organize games and slit the students into teams. All supporters of the school are invited to watch for the afternoon. The day ends in a few friendly games of tug of war.

This is a Father vs. Sons basketball game held every other year for the 5th – 8th grade boys. The games are made to be as close to real as possible. The committee is responsible for lining up refs, coaches, and someone to run the clock. Pizza is usually ordered for supper and ice cream is served when the basketball games are finished If a father is unable to make it, an uncle or other family member can fill in.

This committee organizes the sale of food from the following options: Coldstone Creamery, Stensland Family Farms, Crispy Cream Donuts, and Little Ceasars Pizza Kits. They can decide when in the school year to host the sale. If the committee would like to try something different than listed please bring it to a guild meeting to add it to the list and it must be approved by the board.

Fun Night is held every other year alternating with the Harvest Sale. The committee prepares the activities for the evening of Fun Night. This includes planning games, ordering prizes, and assigning people to help with the games. On Fun Night the committee see to it the games are set up and being run as intended, and taken down with the help of the guild and those assigned to run the games.

The committee set a date in collaboration with the games committee, and plans a supper for the evening of fun night. This includes making donation lists if necessary and serving the planned supper.

Grandparents Day: This event usually takes place on a morning in April from 9:30-12:00. Maps of School and a list of each grades’ students’ names are made and posted. Invitations ar emade by the students to send out to either family members or grandparents. Please be sure to emphasize that if a child does not have a grandparent able to attend, have them invite a special family member or friend to attend instead. The committee serves cookies (lined up by the Hot Lunch and Cookies Committee) and coffee/juice in the morning and plans/prepares/serves a noon meal for the grandparents with Guild reimbursement for the meal. 

Visitors Day: This even is held in March or early April (try not to do it on the last Friday in April because many other schools have their Visitors Day on that day). Check with the principle in early February to get a date set and in the memo for advance notice. It is held in the afternoon (usually from 1-3pm) and the committee serves cookies/bars and coffee/punch. Cookies/bars are lined up by the Hot Lunch and Cookies Committee. 

The Harvest Sale is usually held toward the beginning of November. The committee sets a date with the Harvest Sale Supper committee and with an available auctioneer and reserves the school gym. A decision can be made by the committee whether or not to have a bake sale also. Announcements are placed in advance. The week of the sale duties involve: setting up for the auction, numbering and displaying sale items, typing up a sale bill, handing auctioneers items in order of the bill, clerking – tracking the sales to the bid numbers, and taking money for purchased items.

The committee is responsible for planning the meal and snacks to be served at and before the Auction, and making donation and work lists as needed. The day of the sale they set up for the supper, help serve the food, and monitor snacks and pop supply during the auction.

In the summer the committee gathers a list of students that will be in school the following year and makes a hot lunch schedule. This schedule needs to be finished by the middle of July so it can be included in the registration information.  During the school year the committee is responsible for keeping the kitchen stocked with hot lunch plates, napkins, silverware, coffee and lemonade for hot lunch and chapel as well as making sure the kitchen has adequate supplies such as serving utensils, silverware, etc. The committee also arranges refreshments after every chapel using the list of mothers for cookie donations. The committee works at each chapel arriving beforehand to prepare for coffee and cookies after chapel, and is responsible for cleanup afterwards.  The committee is responsible for order the pizza for the students Christmas party. 

The committee is in charge of the fall and spring program to preview the interscholastic entries. These programs coincide with the local Christian Schools Interscholastic events for speech in October, and for vocal/instrumental in April. Duties include setting a date for the program, finding judges for the performances, setting up for the evening, making a program schedule, serving refreshments, and cleaning up after the program. Cookies can be provided through the Hot Lunch and Cookies Committee.

Room Mother: The committee finds two mothers for each school grade and for the band/choir who are willing to be the room mother for the school year by putting an announcement in the school memo. The committee must also remind th room mothers that they are responsible for sending 3 - 5 pictures from each “event” to the yearbook editor. (Room mothers assist the teacher in different ways throughout the school year, such as class trips and Christmas parties). 

Directory: The committee is in charge of getting the school directory printed as soon as possible once the school year has started. The directory will have teachers, parents, and Guild information. 

The mother/daughter social is held every other year alternating with the father/son social. This committee will be responsible for putting together an event for mother-daughter fellowship. The committee has the ability to make it a casual or a formal event and is usually held in April. If the committee is assigning women to work in the kitchen or clean up, please send them a reminder a few days prior to the event via phone or email.

This committee organizes the making of home-made pig in the blankets, volunteers or assigns workers to the event, and takes orders and plans for a pick-up date.

This committee takes care of contacting each business that has an ad in the calendar and contacting new businesses as needed. They collect ad money and give it to the treasurer. They update the calendar as needed each year with births, deaths, new members, birthdays and anniversaries, etc. They have the calendar printed and ready to be distributed by registration.

The Stop-N-Shop is held the second Saturday of November at Trinity Christian High (please stick to the second Saturday in November, because the vendors plan on this). The committee is responsible for reserving TCHS, contacting vendors (mostly by email or Facebook), sending out registration forms, receiving booth fees, assigning vendors their allotted spaces in the gym, making and hanging flyers, preparing ads and announcements. Members must be available for setup on Friday.

The committee decides the menu and prices of the food in the concession stand and purchases the food. A signup sheet is prepared for donated food and workers. The committee works in the kitchen the day of the event.

This committee is in charge of making our teachers feel appreciated. The committee meets at the beginning of the school year and plans activities or items of appreciation for the year. Something is typically planned for each month.

This committee is in charge of evaluating the current committees and projects of the Guild and propping changes at the March Guild meeting for the following year. The Guild then votes on whether to continue or discontinue the current committees, and add new fundraisers. The decisions of the Guild are then brought to the School board for approval. The signup sheets for the approved committees are made by the committee and brought to the May Guild meeting. In August the final copy of the committees is typed up and give to the Directory Committee.  If the Guilds catering services are requested, the committee is responsible for organizing a work group for the event.