The Best Stuff is in the Middle
Fourth Grade - Mrs. Regnerus
Week 23
February 17-21
If you make it to a public library, please check if they have any Encyclopedia Brown books available for checkout. We will be reading these in our reading class.
A few students will have their hearing re-checked this Thursday, February 20.
Advance NOTICE: Young Authors' Tea is scheduled for: Thursday, May 8.
The All School program has been rescheduled for:
Thursday, February 27.
BIBLE: We will look closely at the ten commandments this week.
SPELLING: Lesson 23: “Prefixes: un-, dis-", pp. 77-80 Please study these words as some of them are difficult. Thanks! TEST on FRIDAY.
READING: “Encyclopedia Brown”
MATH: More with fractions: converting mixed numbers, adding and subtracting with mixed numbers
SCIENCE: Chapter 7.2 “We will finish the cloud types: cumulus, stratus, cirrus
SOCIAL STUDIES. States and capitals of the Southeast section of the United States, landforms of this area, Jamestown, crops of this region, George W. Carver
ENGLISH: Contractions and Negatives, pp. 77-80
MEMORY: Psalter #322: 1 ,2, 4, Next week: Short form of the 10 Commandments
Devotions: MONDAY: TUESDAY: Owen WEDNESDAY: Derick THURSDAY: Bree FRIDAY: Michael Next Monday: Alec Theme: Having an Upright Heart
Take-Home Folder. Each student has been given a take-home folder. Please carefully
check your child’s backpack to see if he/she has any homework each night.
Library. We will check out and return our library books on Thursday.
Book Orders: Please peruse these carefully. Some books have inappropriate content. Code: NZP6Y
Thank you for the privilege of teaching your covenantal children! If you need to reach me after school hours, you may contact me by my cell phone # (712) 470-7123. May God bless our school year
Thank you!