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“Come and see the works of God” Psalm 66:5a

Date: February 3-7

***** Check Mrs. Baker's page for science, Bible, memory work, and 7th English******

****** Check Mr. Heynen's page for computers, geography, and math*****

All students need a personal set of headphones or earbuds. Please check that your child has one at school. Most 6th and 8th grade students do have some here. 

Thanks for the tissues!

All school program is now on THURSDAY evening, February 27 due to TC robotics state competition

Another NOTE: 6th Devotions are due Monday. Topic is “A prophet with a mesage” Choose an Old Testement prophet and a passage from that book of the Bible. On your sheet tell us what this prophet's main message was and how your passage shows this message. Remember: fill the entire space! Writing out the prayer is optional this time.

7th/8th History:  Chapter 8 Revolutionary War- TEST on WEDNESDAY this week.

6th History:   Ancient Rome

6th English:  Adjectives and Adverbs

7th/8th Literature: A few short stories and then we will begin a unit on nonfiction

6th Literature: Reading The Good Master by Kate Seredy. I think we will have a lot of fun and there are some really interesting learning opportunities with this book.

8th Autobiography Project: Begin collecting pictures of grandparents, great-grandparents, wedding pictures, historical documents, etc. We will begin entering these pictures in our documents when the students are finished typing up the interviews. All interviews should be completed by now. The first interview typed is due this week Friday.

8th English: Adjectives and Adverbs Test on FRIDAY

6th Art: Presidents' Day drawing: Abraham Lincoln